Snow Measurements

Weatherlogics snow measurements in Winnipeg, MB are given in the table below. Measurements are taken every 6 hours during the snow season. The snowfall amounts for a given time are the accumulations from the 6 hours ending at that time.

Snow amount is the new snow depth over the previous 6 hours. Liquid amount is the amount of liquid that resulted from melting the new snow depth. The snow-to-liquid ratio (SLR) is the snow amount divided by the liquid amount. Lower values of snow-to-liquid ratio represent heavier, denser snow. Higher values of SLR represent fluffy, less dense snow. Snow on ground is the total amount of snow, including new and existing snow.

A value of T represents a Trace. Trace amounts are given when snow occurred, but the new snow depth was less than 0.2 cm or the liquid amount was less than 0.1 mm. The snow to liquid ratio cannot be calculated from zeroes or trace amounts, thus NA (Not Available) is shown.

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Official Snow Data - Winnipeg, MB